Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Menopause And Blood Pressure What's Causing My Mother To Feel Like There Is Pressure At Her Temples? Menopause? Blood Pressure Pill?

What's causing my mother to feel like there is pressure at her temples? Menopause? Blood pressure pill? - menopause and blood pressure

The pressure in the temples on the sides of the head. A test showed that the hormone goes into the menopause. She began to contain a pill hydrochlorothiazide for blood pressure for several months. It's one or the other of these factors, which feels its head in this way?


A Healthier You said...

Menopause can cause headaches. Excess estrogen causes swelling in the brain the same way as in the chest. The causes dilation of blood vessels in the brain that most headaches. Estrogen may also reduce levels of magnesium, the arteries prone to spasm, a common cause of other types of headache does. For many women it is so easy. If you pre-menstrual headaches, progesterone cream, and magnesium, usually heals within three menstrual cycles.

Although habitual coffee consumption is not recommended that one or two cups of coffee with full force, with an ice pack on the front side can most effectively prevent migraine. Both caffeine and ice can make the narrowing of blood vessels.

Progesterone helps restore normal vascular tone, the fight against the expansion of blood vessels cause the headache.

You can try rubbing chocolate chip the size of the dose of natural progesterone cream in the temples, up to four times per day. Normally does the trick!

Or it could be an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

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